So last friday night, my school had this activity where you stay at school all night. while you are at school they take you to mcdonalds to eat, then they will lock you up in the school. while you are locked up you can use the gym, or watch a movie, or play computer games. So ofcourse i paticipated in this fun. i had a really FUN time. while i was there, there was many people that wanted to use the comp. lab to play computer games. so as they were running for the lab to get a good computer, one of the kids pushed another kid into the wall. that kid feel toward the ground. then everone one behind him just kept on running. so as this kid was trying to get up everyone one was pushing him back down. by the way he was not hurt. it was very funny. so anywho, that was my weekend.
i got the pic off the internet, but this is what it looked like. MADNESS
I love that you had a good time, and that you went this year I don't know I wanted to one yea but well it is just not my thing. Glad you had fun, what games did you play in the computer lab.
what ever that kid didn't get hurt, everyone was pushing him over, poor little kid. Did you help him up? or were you one of the ones knocking him down to get to the computers? huh...huh...huh? haha just playing, why ya hiddin?
i bet that kid was you
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